Solo Frame misbehavior

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Luis García-Tornel

Hi all,

I've been experimenting an issue with the Solo Frame.

When you have two (or more) buttons with the same scene attached in a Solo Frame, there is a misbehavior. The exact behavior changes depending on the version:

* In QLC+ **4.8.3 GIT** you can't activate the buttons
* In QLC+ **4.8.0, 4.8.1** and **4.8.2** sometimes you can't activate the buttons the first time, but if you click again it activates (I can't reproduce consistently)
* In QLC+ **4.7.4** and previous versions everything works as expected

I'm attaching a file demonstrating it.

Tested on Ubuntu 14.04

Luis García-Tornel

the file
(5.21 KiB) Downloaded 19 times
david garyga


Thanks for the detailled reporting :)

> In QLC+ 4.8.0, 4.8.1 and 4.8.2 sometimes you can't activate the buttons the first time, but if you click again it activates (I can't reproduce consistently)

This is a misbehavior

> In QLC+ 4.8.3 GIT you can't activate the buttons
> In QLC+ 4.7.4 and previous versions everything works as expected

This is an undefined behavior, as in "nobody knows what this should do".
I suppose the 4.7.4 behavior should be the expected one...
But the 4.8.3 GIT behavior allows to do superfast-flashing-scenes, ain't that cool ?
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