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Number of auto-created scenes

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:39 pm
by Sergi Font
Hi, finally i download and install last version of QlcPlus, and with a litle help of this forum understood how to create a show... Now i see a think, maybe minor, but usefull...

When you create a sequence in a show, it create scenes, that are named with the name and add a - and a number...
If you make a sequence larger than 9 steps, and you want to edit the scene, going to functions it's easy, but, i see that the numbers added not add 0 before, that means that if you make a sequence named Base and you go to see the scenes and have more than 9 you see a list not ordered at first steps, and would be useful that can change it.

Let me make a grafical example:

Base (name of the sequence)
Base - 1 (scene added by qlcplus when created)
Base - 10
Base - 11
Base - 12
Base - 2
Base - 3

Would be better for editing if it will be this way

Base - 01
Base - 02
Base - 03
Base - 10
Base - 11
Base - 12

I hope i haved explained my self properly, and hoep you consider this question.



I see that when you delete steps on the sequence, they don't delete on Functions, it's a bug?

Number of auto-created scenes

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 3:41 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, QLC+ doesn't add the "-" symbol to functions names. You'll just have
New sequence 1
New sequence 2

By the way, you can change the name of Sequences from the Chaser Editor (panel on the right) and the name of Scenes from the Scene Editor (panel on the bottom)

The enumeration 1,2, ... 10, 11 was only to easily recognize new functions and to avoid the old QLC behaviour which was:
New Scene
New Scene
New Scene
New Scene

P.S.: No, it's not a bug. It's wanted and stated in the Show Manager documentation in bold: "Note: Show Manager will only perform a "visual removal" of functions. To permanently delete them, please use the Function Manager"

Number of auto-created scenes

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 5:34 pm
by Sergi Font
Thanks for the explanation.

Continue with this awesome work, i started a show with it and works great.