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Option to Prevent Button De-select

Posted: Sat May 25, 2013 5:28 pm
by RL
Thanks for the great program and responsive forums.

I'm using the DMXKing ultraDMX and whenever no function is selected, all outputs go to zero and all lights blackout.

Can a feature be added in the Button Properties such that clicking on an active button doesn't de-select that function? I would then add a separate button in the solo frame with all the buttons that is basically a "clear"/"blackout" function that de-selects the functions in that frame.

Option to Prevent Button De-select

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:48 pm
by Michael Clements
Having thought about this, I can't see why you would need to click on an active button unless you intended to stop that function. If you do it accidentally, maybe bigger buttons would help .....!

By all means have a button in the solo frame that has a blackout function attached to cancel everything else in the frame.

Option to Prevent Button De-select

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:49 am
by RL
Correct. The goal isn't to add functionality, but prevent accidental blackouts. Larger buttons help, but an inexperienced user can still click on the button to 'turn it off' before turning on the next function.