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QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:45 pm
by patrick
I use QLC +4.2.2 on mac mini OSX 10.8 and OSX 10.6 on a powerbook with an output interface USB-DMX IPTF (DMXLIGHT2 ... ils.php?id = 11) and a control surface ICON twelve o'clock (I-controls)

The midi input works perfectly.

Output side is my QLC + interface declares correct, but no lights!
Whatever the machine I use.
FYI: If I switch on the light standard edition QLC illuminate correctly.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:32 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Weird, I've got a FTDI USB dongle too and it works on Lion and Mountain Lion.
So, for my understanding:
- QLC+ detects your FTDI dongle
- Did you activate it by enabling its output checkbox ?
- QLC+ says it is open and working good ?
- do you see a blinking led on your device ?
- can you see the dongle serial number in the input/output panel ?

And at last, how did you check if the output is working ? (simple desk, scene, chaser ?)

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:03 pm
by Heiko Fanieng
How can i discover, if my USB is a FTDI dongle?

I got two here, maybe on of them works with QLC+: ... rpubID=568

Compact DMX controller,
with SMD microprocessor for standard DMX applications on a PC. ... ROFI_g.pdf

Sorry, the manual for the 2nd is only available in german. For the 1st i'll check it with try and error, maybe QLC+ detect it :)

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:23 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Well, the first one seems to be based on a SMD chipset, which is not supported.
I don't even know if it is a USB-to-serial interface.

The second one seems to be based on DMX4All. I think Heikki started to look at it but went nowhere. ... id=1292803

That one is USB-serial and shouldn't be too difficult to support (I think OLA supports it) but it's very hard (and slow) for me to add the support for a device if I don't phisically own it.
Maybe you can send it to me and then I'll send it back ? :)

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:39 pm
by Massimo Callegari
I just checked the Stageprofi Mk2 dongle and it is based on an FTDI chip !
I recalled that if your dongle doesn't have "FTDI" as vendor name, by default it is recognized as an Enttec USB PRO.

You both should try this: open the configuration panel and force it to "Open TX"
Click OK and cross your fingers :)

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 8:42 pm
by Heiko Fanieng

no problem - i don't use it at the moment, i got also the DMX-1USB if I need to run Windows-Software.

So please E-Mail me your postal adress, an i'll send the DMX4ALL to you. Maybe yo have more success than Heikki.

Would be great to have a bigger user-base for QLC+


QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:44 am
by patrick
Hi Massimo

In response to your question:

- QLC+ detects your FTDI dongle

The dongle appears in the I / O panel, and disappears when I unplugged

- QLC+ says it is open and working good ?

QLC+ says "the peripheral works properly"

- Did you activate it by enabling its output checkbox ?

of course

- do you see a blinking led on your device ?

My dongle has no LED control.
But no LED is flashing on my DMX dimmers which shows that the communication is not established. By cons, if I leave QLC + without changing the wiring and I run QLC, DMX LED flashes on the network and DMX dimmers are active. we can be like a track, QLC and QLC + are built on the same core?

- can you see the dongle serial number in the input/output panel ?

I do not think, sometimes appear behind the letter S / N: yy gender, but I do not think this is a serial number

-And at last, how did you check if the output is working ? (simple desk, scene, chaser ?)

I did many tests, simple desk, scene, chaser … but as long as there is no DMX communication is doomed to failure.

I asked the manufacturer kindly indicate the version of the chipset dongle his team, I communiquerais of the information that I have received

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:24 am
by Massimo Callegari
Yes, QLC and QLC+ work on the same USB/FTDI library.
Can you please try to force your dongle as OpenTX as mentioned below ?


QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:17 pm
by patrick
Here the choice of Panel I / O
ArtNet: In Out
ENTTEC wing: none
Manager IAC Midi In Out
Midi Control Icon In Out
OSC OSC network 1 - 2 - 3-4 In
peperoni none
uDMX none

I do not see how to force the dongle?

Here is the response from the dongle manufacturer:
"We use the same chips as the Open DMX interface Enttec
QLC being compatible with the Open DMX interface, no problem with our
not ... "

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:36 pm
by patrick
I just found the control panel!
I had the choice between TX Pro, Open Pro Tx and Rx.
He was well on OpenTx I refreshed on Open Tx, but there has always not communication with the DMX network.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 7:55 pm
by Heiko Fanieng
Some Information on testing with DMX4ALL USB-DMX-Stageprofi MK2 under Windows 7 64bit

-QLC+ 4.22 don't start, if the interface is connected
-After removing it, QLC+ starts immediately
-It's detected as USB-DMX-Interface (S/N:DEQWJ28)
-After forcing it to Open TX QLC+ crashed

OS X 10.8.2
-QLC+ 4.22 starts with connected Stageprofi MK2
-Under input/output Plugin shows "DMX USB", Device "None"
-Clicking on configure shows nothing, even after update

Conclusion for today, 2 OS-Systems, 2 behaviours of Stageprofi MK2

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:08 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Not a conforting report at all :(
On Windows I suggest to uninstall and reinstall QLC+ when changing version.
The fact that it shows the device and its serial number is a good sign, but I don't understand why then it crashes.
Can you please try the MK2 with QLC 3.2.2 either on Windows and OSX ?

Also, is there a way to delete preferences of an application on OSX ? I know nothing about that troublesome OS..

Thanks for you patience

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:20 am
by patrick

Could you test DMX4ALL USB-DMX-MK2 Stageprofi under OSX with QLC standard edition.

From my side the FTDI dongle does not run with QLC+ but works perfectly with QLC.

If your test was confirmed things that could open up new avenues.


QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 4:39 pm
by Heiko Fanieng
On Windows i did a clean install. After deinstallation and bevor new installation i use also for kiling old registry entries.

Under OS X the Preference and Fixtures for QLC+ are in the library:
~/Library/Application Support/QLC+ -> Hit [alt] and then click on "go to" in the Finder Menu. Library is hidden per default.

App Cleaner was a good way for me to find out where OS X Apps saves ther preferences:)

Hope to find time this weekend to check the MK2 with QLC under Windows and OS X.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:34 pm
by Heiko Fanieng
I tried MK2 with QLC 3.2.2 under OS X 10.8.2 - it was not detected.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:39 pm
by patrick
Heiko bad news.

From my side I reinstalled a brand new OSX 10.6 to try QLC+, but it does not work better.

if summarized
German MK2 does not work with QLC or with QLC +
The French "reve production" dongle works with QLC but not with QLC +

Massimo talk about a dongle that works with QLC + Can you give me references, it is not too expensive I'll order. Then I could send you mine if it can help you.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:09 pm
by Massimo Callegari

I can't find the dongle I'm using at the moment, but there are a few Enttec-compatible adapters around the internet, for half the price of the original. Here's one I tried: ... 245wt_1141

or you can go with a DMXKing one:

By the way I'm 99% sure that if something works with QLC, it has to work with QLC+ too ! I checked the code and I don't see a reason why it shouldn't
The last thing you could try is on a non-OSX machine (Windows or Linux)

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 2:18 pm
by patrick
I just order new zealand, they guarantee the dongle is compatible QLC + mac os.
I'll let you know after reception tests.

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:29 am
by patrick
Here are the results of my tests with the dongle DMXking

Everything works perfectly with QLC +4.2.2, QLC, DLight under OSX 10.6 installed on USB key without adding drivers.

it seems that the choice of dongle is important.

By QLC against +4.2.2 not running OS 10.5.8 updated to 10.6. I installed the drivers manually installing D2XX QLC.

it seems that the old drivers interfere QLC +.

I return to my system properly installed 10.6 on a USB key to try QLC +4.3.
The dongle now appears with a S / N does not correspond to its real serial number (when I try to enter Setup + QLC freezes).
I raise QLC +4.3. the light does not illuminate, the interfaces do not blink, there is no transmission on the DMX network. I made several attempts to do anything !!!

QLC+ and FTDI USB-DMX /OSX 10.8 mac mini/ OSX 10.6 powerbook white

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 2:18 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hello Patrick,
I'm not sure I understand all the tests you've done, but I think you don't need extra drivers to make a FTDI dongle working with QLC+.
As far as I know, FTDI and D2XX conflicts.
So you're telling me that on the same machine 4.2.2 works and 4.3.0 doesn't ?