Imporoved Finnish translation

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Petja Touru

Made improvements to Finnish translation
1. ... 0beec43cfc
2. ... 0e5bd75849

(And because I'm _blocked_ for some reason, I cannot make push request normally)
Massimo Callegari

Unblocked. But please don't try my patience too hard.
I am doing this in my spare time and I'm not paid at all.
Instead of those who use QLC+ in the weekend (or for their lighting job) and earn money with Heikki's and my efforts.
I don't like the attitude of claiming things. Instead, I like the attitude of contributing and giving a real hand.
People that always complain should use other softwares and spend a lot of money on them. So when they complain, at least, they have a reason for it.
Massimo Callegari

Hi, I'm trying to apply your changes but qlcplus_fi_FI.ts seems to be broken.
Did you use Qt Linguist to translate it ?
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