QLC+ make on RPi missing file
Installing QLC+ on Raspberry Pi. Running "make" terminates with "ola/common.h:24:22: fatal error: WProgram.h: No such file or directory". I have a working ola install, using the web interface to fade lights up and down. but when makeing qlcplus, i've have had to copy some files into the qlcplus/ola directory then edit the *.h include calls to a direct path for it to see them. but i havent been able to find hide nor hair of WProgram.h either on the pi or on the internet. any ideas? im kind of at a brick wall.
Well, this looks like an OLA issue and not a QLC+ one.
You should ask the [OLA group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr ... n-lighting) and see if anyone had this issue before.
Just curious. Why do you need OLA with QLC+ ?
You should ask the [OLA group](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgr ... n-lighting) and see if anyone had this issue before.
Just curious. Why do you need OLA with QLC+ ?