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conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 6:08 pm
by offtools

First I'm happy that development is going on. I try to describe a bit my user expierences qlc and my needs, maybe its of interest.

I used to work with qlc since a while mostly for smaller theatre or dance performances. Like most Software Controllers QLC(+) follows "rock'n'roll" logic in lighting. This workflow differs from working in theatre.

The problem of QLC was, that the Virtual Console was useless for my case of use, because there was no possiblity to record the output which I created in the Virtual Console by pushing faders into a scene. Creating a Scene with the Functions Editor by having 48 or more channels was totally time consuming. It cost me 5 to 10 times more to create a Scene or doing corrections than using a physical lighting desk. If you have a guest performance and limited time its a absolut no go. So I patched qlc and added a button for that in the Virtual Console [record current output into new scene]. I know, it breaks the internal logic of qlc(+) but made my life a lot easier.
I normally "rebuild" a conventional lighting desk with 48 hardware faders and a bunch submasters (groups) in the virtual console to make my scene presets there and put them into a cuelist (boring theatre workflow :) ). The only thing what's left to make me really happy is the ability to capture channels through the Virtual Console, if I have to lower the intensity of a lamp in a scene during a show or a runthrough or while doing corrections.

It would be cool if the further development could consider also the conventional light needs. The most important thing or need is to keep on schedule or beeing faster, but you all know that :) The channel grouping I discovered today will help a lot for that.

Anyway it's a great piece of software.


conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:11 pm
by Massimo Callegari
I'm not sure I fully understand your needs (terminology seg fault :)) but "breaking QLC logic" doesn't bother me at all. Actually I've already done it by adding the Show editor, since QLC was designed to be only a live desk software.
Can you give me a practical example of what slows down your workflow in particular ?

I was thinking of adding the possibility to assign input plugins signals (MIDI, OSC) to Scene's faders, so when it comes to editing (then disabled in operate mode) you don't become a sniper after hours spent on clicking with the mouse.
Would that help you ?

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:54 pm
by CaryOwens
Perhaps I can clarify based on a feature that would really help me out. Basically, I would like to be able to set a "static" scence using my virtual console and record all of the values for each fixture into a "Scene" with a single button push (like BO or "STOP"). The "record" function would need to record levels of various intensity channels, direction control values for moving fixtures, etc.

I've have a mind to try to implement this myself on a working copy of the QLC+ source code and perhaps (if it works) submit it for others to use. I imagine that it would be an extension of the SCENE creation routines. Rather than manually setting all of the various inputs for the scene, a button push would allow the user to assign a scene name and capture all of the DMX values for all channels and fixtures that are not zero.

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:46 pm
by NiKoyes
That's true that having a command line could be great, in Avab or MA syntax with a kind of autocompletion.

typing "channel 1 thru 18 @@ scene 1 record" or things like that could provide a fast workflow.
Even in rock'n roll, working with QLC is quite slow, that's why i asked few years ago to heikki to add the simple desk in the software (but at this time, the idea was also to autopatch it on a midi controller)

I think working with the mouse slows down the workflow, provide keyboard programming could faster things

Another thing : allow to clock in the middle of a slider during scene creation to put the cursor at the clicked place instead of increasing the value (not sure if my sentence is clear and if the qt framework permits that)

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 12:52 pm
by tony schuite
YES! i completely agree!
command line would be something I would love to have, especially when it comes to scene creation, but also in live control. I just put up a feature request for the ability to overtake certain channels and reduce them while in play mode.

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 1:29 pm
by Massimo Callegari
You all might be happy to see what's going to be released with version 4.3.0.
Just be patient folks. It's coming pretty soon.

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:57 pm
by tony schuite

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:07 pm
by Massimo Callegari
For the Doctor Who fans: Shhh...spoiler !

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 4:07 pm
by NiKoyes
If you please could do the same with the sliders during scene creation it would be awesome

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:21 pm
by CaryOwens
4.3.0 does exactly what I described and needed. THANKS!!!

conventional light workflow vs. rock'n roll

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:33 am
by Massimo Callegari
I guess you meant 4.4.0 beta1 ?