Buttons OSX

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Hi, Im trying to set a scene to a button, shutter open, but it wont open, I tried with the windows version and it works fine, then I saved the project in windows, opened it on my mac and it works.
But if I make a new console on mac it won´t.

Great software though
Massimo Callegari

Please post the working project created on Windows and the same project (non working) created on OSX.


Im not able to reproduce the error, it suddenly works since I opened the win version on my mac, even if I create a new project, but it do crash sometimes when adding midi control.
The fault was on two seperate mac´s, but Im using an akai midicontroller and a dmxking micro usb with qlc.
It appears as if it happens when I create a new scene, then it would stop sending the dmx mapped to the buttons, the sliders was working.
Anyhow I can add the Chauvet intimidator fixture i created.
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Massimo Callegari

Added to QLC+. Thanks !

Please next time remember to post new fixtures in the "Fixture definitions" section of this forum
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