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Moving Heads, VC, and APC40

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:09 am
by Tavon Markov
I have a variety of functions created for my moving heads. EFX, SCENES. When I trigger an EFX function, the corresponding VC buttons remain ON or Highlighted until I toggle them off. However, when I trigger a "GOBO" or "Color Wheel" function [ie a SCENE that changes only a certain channel to a specified value for the included fixtures], the moving head will adjust accordingly and then the function is no longer "active". Its a tad confusing while interfaced with an APC40. My EFX function buttons in VC, and corresponding APC40 buttons will remain Highlighted while active, while my COLOR WHEEL and GOBO WHEEL buttons, simply trigger, and go dark. Is there a workaround to maintain the VC "ON" status for Moving Head color, gobo wheel etc values?

Moving Heads, VC, and APC40

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:13 am
by Jano Svitok
This is known problem of current implementation of LTP. Workaround is to include one dummy HTP (dimmer) channel in the scene. Add one dimmer channel (unpatched, if your universe is full, use another universe) to the workspace, and include that channel in the gobo/color scene (you may have to set it to nonzero value, or not :) ).

Moving Heads, VC, and APC40

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:06 am
by Tavon Markov
Perfect workaround. Thanks...