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QLC+ and HolidayCoro ActiDongle

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:20 pm
by lightballer
Hey everyone,
I have a macbook pro running 10.10.2 Yosemite. For the life of me I can not get data out to my lights. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the program and nothing works. I've tried installing the latest driver from FIDI but i'm not having any luck. Does anyone have any ideas.

On the flip side. I know that the ActiDongle works because I turned on VMWare and opened up Windows 7 and got the lights to work with the program Xlights.
Any thoughts?

QLC+ and HolidayCoro ActiDongle

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:55 am
by Massimo Callegari
hi, is this ActiDongle even listed in the IO panel in QLC+ ?

According to this page ... e-p/53.htm

I read it is Enttec Pro compatible, so it should be FTDI and it should work.

Then you probably missed the 4th answer here:
or read here: ... _IMPORTANT