Strobe Controls

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Dean Clough

Hi guys, just playing about with making a control for a 2 channel DMX strobe, now i know I'm doing something simple wrong like.
Hoping someone will try and chip in and give me a hand, but what I'm trying to do is create a 'full on' strobe effect when i press a shortcut key or midi map it to a controller.
So ideally i need it to be off all the time, until i give it the command to come on.
Been trying it with a chaser with an off, then on but i'm not getting what i need.

As i say no doubt it will be an easy thing to achieve but starting to pull my hair out now. ;-)
Dean Clough

Well after a bit of messing about i have come up with something which suits what i need.
Found that a 3 step chaser will do the job. First scene as a 'off' with a 0.5s hold time, then the step for say 5 second 'on', then another off step of 1.00s.
Only thing is that if i assign it to a button, it will stay on the 'on' position even if i press the button to toggle it off, until the time has elapsed.
david garyga


Please share your workspace file, and the fixture definition if you created it yourself.

Dean Clough

Sure David.
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david garyga

Hi again,

This is an already discussed issue regarding LTP channels.

Here's a solution attached.

How it works:

- Activate the "Strobe off" button, it will stay on.

- Then flash any of the 3 "strobe" button.

- The channels will go to the desired value, and go back to the values of the "Strobe off" function when you release the "strobe" button.

- You will also a TEST version or qlc+ (or compile it from sources), or wait for QLC+4.8.5 to be out.
- Change the values of the Strobe Off function to 1 and 1 (instead of 0 and 0). I suppose the strobe does not start at value 1, to this should work OK.

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Dean Clough

Thanks David, ill have a look into it.
Think i've found another solution which seems to work for what i need, but i'll give yours a go.
Thanks again
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