Futurelight Wave LED

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Frank Iven

Ich habe ein Fixture für mein neuestes Gerät erstellt. Das möchte ich gern mit euch teilen. Wie geht das?
Doch leider kann ich keine Button erstellen die auf funktionieren. Können Sie helfen?
Massimo Callegari

English please.
Frank Iven

cant not speak english.
i have a Fixture for the Futurelight Wave LED. This fixture not work in Virtual Console. Work in simple Workgroup.
Please Help me.
Massimo Callegari

1) wrong forum. moved to general
2) if you have a problem with a custom fixture, then the first thing to do is share the fixture file so we can see if it has been created correctly
> This fixture not work in Virtual Console

3) "not work" is a bit too generic. Describe the problem, indicate the steps to reproduce, the OS and QLC+ versions you're using

> Work in simple Workgroup.

4) what is "simple workgroup" ?
Frank Iven

I can give you for the Futurelight wave LED a QXF file. How can you get this file?

Have only one problem: in the simple desktop, everything works. If I but would like to create something on the virtual console, I can't. Why. Can you create such a thing?
Frank Iven

(2) how can I share with you this custum fixture?
When I load this fixture I can move it with the simple sliders. If I want to work in the interface for button but, nothing works.

3.) I am using the latest version 4.8.3 q light controller plus.

I apologise, but I use a translation program because I do not speak English. Can you help me?

This device is so something new on the market.

Once again sorry for my bad English.
david garyga

When you post here, there's a "Add attachments" link at the right of the "Post" button.

EDIT- And please don't spam, this is a forum, not a chat. People will answer you when they can. Thanks.
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