advice wanted please - is there a dmx controlled SD card led matrix controller?

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Hello Everyopne.
I'm aware that the subject line of this post might not make any sense to anyone yet... but please read on... :-)

I have seen devices on ebay that will run an array of LED ws2811's and playback realtime video. A few of these are like the T-1000s devices and are ALL chinese!

Many of the devices claim to be dmx512 control but as far as i can tell that is only if you want to controll upto 170x ws2811 LED's (each of the led's having 3 channels and thus using an entire universe in one swoop.

The devices such as the t-1000s can store up to 16 video's an SD card and at the touch of one of it's physical buttons the running video can be changed. (the video is pre-programmed into the SD card in a specific filetype.)

here is my question....

Is there a device, like the T-1000s, which can store a pre=programmed video (or effect) and can accept a dmx signal to call up and play one of its video sequences?

here is the reason i ask....

I want to make a big rgb matrix curtain (576x768) and control it from qlcplus withput using 100 universes (i would have to buy too much kit to do that).... maybe just 4 channels?

eventually id like to put live video on it... like this maybe...
....and one day i'll learn how to 'tintsy' and arduino maybe?

[please be kind... im still new at all this]

Yours faithfully, rick.
Happy lighting.
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