QLC+ to RPi via Artnet

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Santiago Benejam Torres

Yesterday I was testing my Rpi connected to a router and my laptop connected to the same route over WiFi, RPi connected with an ethernet cable. I set the output from QLC+ in my laptop to Artnet and RPi input to artnet too and activating the option passthrough. My surprise was that the channels of the Simple Desk of the RPI web interface was not updated. Then I connect to the RPI an Enttec DMX USB Pro with a simple dmx tester connected and saw that the data reached the USB controller DMX output.
Is normal the simple desk behaviour on the RPi web interface?.

Another thing I detect in the QLC+ running in my laptop is that does not refresh the channels data in the fixture monitor and in the Simple Desk sliders. In Simple Desk the sliders were updated if changing pages. Deactivating Artnet out put channels and sliders are refreshed fine.
It's my fault or there is a problem in QLC+
RPi with lastest image. Laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 and QLC+ from GIT compiled with Qt5 version 5.4. A project with some generic dimmers for test with dmx tester.
I not tested this with other/older QLC+ versions.
Santiago Benejam Torres

More tests, Testing qlcplus 4.8.4 estable in my ubuntu. The strange behaviour on fixture monitor disappeared. Then I tested qlcplus 4.8.5 from GIT and it works as expected. I will do more testing this afternoon connecting my laptop with the RPi.
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