Midi Pad does not work properly

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first of all, big "bravo" for QLC+ that works pretty well, even on a raspberry.

i would like to use a midi pad (alesis samplepad) to trigger lights.
my problem is that the midi device is well recognised in the input/output list but when i use the pad, no joystick is flashing. When i want to create a profile, no note appears while using the assistant creator.

I am pretty sure the problem comes from QLC, as the midi device is well recognized by the raspberry (amidi -l gives me a device).

Any help is welcomed
ps: same behaviour on a windows pc

What channel is the midi controller sending on? If its not 1 you will have to change it in QLC in the input tab. Have you done that?

thanks for your reply
i will try this as soon as i get the last version (i realize i was in 4.5.1 on the raspberry and i don't see the way to change midi channel in GUI with this version)
thanks again

That was it
After changing channel midi to 1-16 in the midi plugin properties (input tab), it is working perfectly.
Many thanks, IDaninator.

Just a thing: keyboard seems to be more reactive than midi input: for flash light for instance (i use a chaser of 10ms for this), i can miss some hints on my pad if it is too quick. But anyway, it should do the job.

Not a problem, you are welcome. :)

That's a thing for me too, yes. That is why I run on one channel in midi. I have the feeling that I get slightly better responsetimes through this to, although it also depends on the midi device.
You are right, using the keyboard for this works way better. for me not only because of response times but I prefer the keys to the ones on my BCF2000 too.
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2019 6:55 pm
Real Name: William

Hi All,

I had a similar issue with my AKAI LPD8. I went into the mapping settings and changed the channel until it worked. I landed on channel 4 for the AKAI LPD8. See attached image.

Thank you!


Screen Shot 2019-12-27 at 1.01.26 PM.png
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