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Some intensity channels stop responding

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:54 pm
by Joep Admiraal
Hi all,

I am using QLC+ 4.8.2 for some time now and have the following issue.
During a performance the intensity channel of one or more Briteq W12L10 stop responding to functions.
The other channels (pan/tilt/color) are all still working.
I have a solo frame with chase functions which control the intensity of 4 W12L10's.
This solo frame has a submaster knob on it.
I select function and for example 1 out of 4 intensity channels is not responding.
In the Simple Desk the intensity channel is also not changed.
It has happened on multiple nights, usually once a night.
After restarting QLC+ it works again.

Last weekend I was running this on a MacBook Pro with an Enttec DMX USB Pro Mk2.
Some weeks before I had the same issue with the Open DMX USB.
I just reproduced it on another MacBook Pro without any DMX hardware with QLC+4.8.4.

Do others have this issue?
Does anyone have a clue about how to debug this kind of issues?


Some intensity channels stop responding

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:14 pm
by OddSocks
Could you attach your workspace as that might help.

Some intensity channels stop responding

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:27 pm
by Jano Svitok

one more place to check is DMX monitor, but since Simple Desk shows the problem, most probably DMX monitor will show it as well.

If you can build from sources, build debug version (git master is now in debug mode) and have QLC+ show the debug messages (-d 0) and maybe also with -g (saves log to $HOME/QLC+.log).

If you know C++, you can also add more debug messages (qDebug() << something) at the right places (that's the tricky part, which ones are the right :) )

It would really help if you can find as reliable and simple way to reproduce as possible.

Some intensity channels stop responding

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:59 pm
by Joep Admiraal
Reproducing the problem is a bit of a problem since it happens mostly once a night. I will try to reproduce it myself some more with the suggested debug options.