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Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:34 pm
by panaremix
PAN and TILT control in several, different scanners,
with just 2 pieces of sliders in midi controller.

^ Midi controller with only two sliders, for example. "Slider A" and "slider B"
^ 2 pieces of different scanners, such as "scanner 1" and "2 scanner"

^ push "button X" - sliders in midi controller ("A" and "B") are working only for the scanner 1
^ push "button Y" - sliders in midi controller ("A" and "B") are working only for the scanner 2
^ push "button Z" - sliders in midi controller ("A" and "B") are working for scanner 1 and scanner 2 (or for a created "scanners group").

Is it possible?

Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 12:42 pm
by Massimo Callegari
place your sliders into different frames and enable/disable the frames when needed.

Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:02 pm
by panaremix
Thank you Massimo,
but i have two question:

Question 1:
How do to turn the "frame 1" automatically turn off "frame 2"
(placing them in a "solo frame" still allows the activation of both)

Please see attachment.

Question 2:
Is it possible to "enable / disable" frame using the "button"?
(on my matrix "full-hd", the "activation button" in frame header is very small ...),
or maybe i can edit the size of "frame activation button"?


Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:30 pm
by IDaninator
Just make a frame with several pages: on the one page there is only one fixture controlled by the sliders, on the next one the other fixture and so on.
Switch between pages via Midi "Button X" and "button Y" as you wanted to. --> Only one page can be activated and you switch with physical buttons.

Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:59 pm
by panaremix
oh, maybe it will work,
but this solution quite confusing (search pages with relevant scanners) ...

If i put inside "solo frame" other frames,
They should not "switch"?

why in "solo frame" i can enable more than 1 another frame, like in my attachment ?

Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 2:33 pm
by IDaninator
Enabling frames is not inherited to their "children frames". I wouldn't say this is a bug, for me it is quite handy sometimes.
The switching can be only achived via frames with several pages.

You are right though, this can get confusing. Thats why I label frames like '1 - Scanner left, 2- Scanner right' and so on, so I can just check the number and know what Scanner it is.
And when you have 'pages circular scrolling' off you can also remember what your lefmost and rightmost frame is. Since you only want to use slider A and B 3 times you can even remember the function in the middle.
Try it, after a little while you will eventually don't even think about this anymore.

Need "activator midi control"

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2015 8:08 pm
by panaremix
But I insist,
to the "frame" could activate all objects
but in a "solo frame" objects should be another switch

now it works only for the "buttons".
Perhaps we can add to the improvement of the child "frames"?