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Virtual Console Buttons Not Triggering

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 4:50 am
by Rob Goldberg
Hi folks. I am sure I am dealing with a very simple problem but I just can't figure it out.

I have very carefully created many buttons for one of my fixtures (4bar tri) to use as buttons in solo frames in the virtual console. I am assuming I can stack scenes as long as only the channels being used are active.

So here's an example:

1. I have a solo frame for brightness and have buttons for OFF, DIM, MEDIUM, and BRIGHT. Each is associated with a scene in which only the Dimmer channel is enabled and has value.

2. I have another solo frame with a button for each color (all heads on the fixture). Each is again associated with a scene that only has the color channels enabled with non zero values.

So I start the program running active, click the Bright button from the first solo group and the Blue button from the second solo group and nothing happens.

Everything works as it should from the Simple Desk. The midi channel is correct, etc.

It should work like this shouldn't it? You can have multiple solo frames and simultaneously select one button from each solo frame can't you? I always did that with ShowXpress (layered scenes).

Can someone help me understand what I've done that is causing this not to work?


P.S. I should add that I watched the monitor (DMX Channels) to confirm when I clisk the buttons in the solo frames (even just one button), nothing happens on the dmx channels.

Virtual Console Buttons Not Triggering

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:20 am
by Rob Goldberg
I resolved the problem. Apparently the cable from my computer to my Enttec DMX USB Pro had come out. I knew that and had plugged it back in but QLC+ didn't like that. Once I rebooted QLC+ it all started working correctly.

Virtual Console Buttons Not Triggering

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:07 pm
by dmxWolf
LOL. Don't feel bad.... I've done the same thing. It would be nice if QLC+ threw a popup warning if your interface is not present or comes unplugged.