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Ideas? Interconnected Widgets, EFX values modification LIVE

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:10 pm
by alfi66
Hi All,
As I'm getting used to the QLC+ I'm excited by its possibilities and also getting some ideas which could make it even better.
I understand some of these may be difficult to code and maybe not many folks would find them useful, but I thought I'll share anyway:
- Be able to link a separate button to TAP the Speed dial - to be able to tap multiple Speed dials at once
- Be able to link a separate button to INFINITY function of the Speed dial - this could be used as a "FREEZE"
- Similar as Grand Master, to have a Grand Speed widget
- Be able to modify values of EFX (Width, Height,Offset, etc) using buttons or sliders or rotary knob. Button example "+10 Width", etc
- Some cosmetic stuff really, but be able to turn off values/labels on Sliders and especially rotary knob. Trying to fit lot of stuff on small screen :)

Maybe some of these can be even achieved in some way which I haven't discovered yet.
Anyway, thanks for reading and considering what may be worth/possible to implement :)

Ideas? Interconnected Widgets, EFX values modification LIVE

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 2:58 pm
by IDaninator
Hey so I was already facing the same problems, here are a few ways how I got around these:

-I set my tap buttons to all work with individual button presses on my keyboard but for a few of them I also set a Midi button on my BCF2000. With the midibutton I control 3 widgets at once while I stile have the option to tap each one individualy via keboard.

What you could also do is set different midi adresses for every button and assign one midi button for each. In some midi controllers you can then set up a button wich sends on all of these adresses. This is usefull if you only want to use a midi controller.

-I also achieved this via Midi: I set up a knob on the BCF in each speed dial (in your case one for all, in my case individual ones) that sets the speed between 0 and 300 secs. In normal use of the speed dial I only use tap so when I want to set to infinity I simply turn the knob to the right. That's only for short breaks between songs, if I want to pause longer I then have the time to click infinite on every speed dial I need it in.

-You can modify offset with positioning scenes or sliders on the Pan/Tilt-channels. Doing this with "plus and minus" buttons is not possible yet as far as I know.
And fading in and out of EFXs (pan/tilt values) or adjusting width and height is not possible yet.

-You can turn off labels on speed widget by just not giving any names. As you requested this is not possible on other live panel objects yet.

I hope I was able to help a little bit. :)

Ideas? Interconnected Widgets, EFX values modification LIVE

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:57 pm
by alfi66
Thanks for the ideas - i'll certainly try some of those :)