Speed dial bug fix

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Hi all,
There is a small bug in Speed dial widget - in particular that you can't go below 0.10 seconds, because once you want to go to ".09" it is shown as ".9" which in fact is 0.90 seconds. :)


This has been mentioned a few times, and is due to the way QT displays numbers.

If you type in a number smaller than .1 ( .08 ) it does work it just does not display correctly.

I believe that this has been fixed and will be ok in the next release.

Thanks, yes I know if I manually set the correct number it works - that is why I assume it's just a little bug which should be easy to fix :)

BTW, would it be a big issue to implement it with precision of 0.005 instead of current 0.010 :)
It would help to match the timing with music BPM :)
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