HTP/LTP problem/Bug?

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Hey :)
my idea was to have a button which starts with a strobe, as long as you hold it down.
So I set the shutter of the Mhx50 to HTP, put it into s scene with shutter=180 and dimmer=255. Than i create a button, put in on FLASH-function , and put the key F9 to activate it.
When i press F9 the dimmer intensity raises as long as i press F9 to 255. When i release it , the intensity falls down again to 0.
The shutter raises to when i release the button, it says there. Shouldn't it fall to 0, too, because i set it too HTP ?
i restartet qlc a view times , but the problem stayed.
Than i changed the fixture, so the shutter now was intensity ( the change worked , i looked for it when i start qlc, and it was changed)...but the same problem happened.
Only way i solved this was to to put shutter to LTP,create a chaser with the scene" shutter=zero" and step time of 0.01 and just let i run all the time. than the flash button works, but i don't want my computer to repeat a 100 steps per second chaser all the time.
Can someone tell me whats the problem , or where did i make a mistake ?
Thank you, T
de DJ Fabriek

Same problem here

I tried it with other types : it seems to be an general problem with HTP/LTP. one time it wokrked but than it crashed. forgott to save the crash report
de DJ Fabriek

Problem solved, change your shutter in general. See attachment
Schermafbeelding%202014-12-15%20om%2022.47.45.png (9.66 KiB) Viewed 577 times

Thanks, works but isn't e very nice solution. maybe with 4.8.3
de DJ Fabriek

The solution is not so nice indeed.. is there somebody who can fix this problem?

I just experienced the same problem: The value goes to the value that is specified in the scene but does not go back down when the scene is not active anymore.

But for me even setting the shutter channel to be a generic/intensity channel did not work to bring the value back down after stopping. Can you tell me exactly what you did to solve the problem?
de DJ Fabriek

Do you also checked HTP/LTP
Schermafbeelding%202014-12-29%20om%2009.24.18.png (2.55 KiB) Viewed 577 times

Yes I checked that but it still did not work. I got it to work now after removing all the fixtures that had the problem and adding them again. it seems like there are also problems if you change a fixture definition and do not add the fixtures to your workfile newly. :/

The way other software would handle this is by allowing you to set certain scenes to be disabled as long as the flash button is held down, and then on letting go it would then reactivated the previous scene.

Switching between Scenes is kind of possible with setting the same hotkey but then you cannot configure the button you originally wanted as a flash button because the "reset-Scene" (wich brings the value down to 0 again) needs another button press to reactivate.
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