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toggling VC through midi

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:45 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling
Hi guys, I have finally got Sonar to work with QLC+, thank you for all your previous help. The problem was a timecode-issue from sonar. Now Sonar sends correct midisignals, and I can trigger the scenes that are linked up to buttons in the VC. So far so good. But, Through a preprogrammed sequence on Sonar, sometimes QLC+ just turn on a button in the VC, without Sonar sending midi. The same thing happens if I "play" my lightshow through my masterkeyboard, directly into the midi-interface of the QLC-machine or through my Sonar-machine. Also, I have made a button in the VC, "stop all functions" with a fadeout-time for 3 seconds. When I hit the button directly on VC on my computer, it all works, but when I toggle it through midi, it sometimes doesn't fade, only instant off.
Anyone who have experienced this?
This happens on both Windows and Linuxversions . I use version 4.8.2.

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:46 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2014 11:53 pm
by Massimo Callegari
No idea sorry.
What if you manually send a single MIDI note from Sonar (or else) to trigger the "stop all" button ?
Does it have the same unexpected behaviour or does it work ok ?

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:17 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling
I've sorted out the fadeout-issue. If the on-signal on a scene is longer then the fade out-signal, it doesn't fade, if the midisignal on a scene is terminated before the fade-out midisignal stops, it works as it should. But the issue with unexpected buttons who turns on or off without midisignal is still present. But it seems that it only do this when the DMX-interface is hooked up. I've tried with a Enttec usb open and a cheap chinese dmx-interface. It doesn't do that if I only use fixture monitor. I have tried with 3 different midi-interfaces, and the same thing happens. Seems like the DMX-interface sends some kind of feedback to the midi-interface.

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 8:38 pm
by Massimo Callegari
This reminded me that once I got crazy on an old laptop where the mouse was interfering with the DMX dongle.

You need to make sure the devices are on isolated USB lines.
Usually laptops have 2 hubs (one on each side)
Otheriwse try with a powered hub. Maybe it isolates better the devices

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:26 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling
that actually makes perfect sense. I'll try tomorrow and install QLC+ on a stationary machine and try with midi and DMX on separate lines. It didn't help on my laptop, but maybe there is just one hub on it....

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:44 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling
Powered USB-hub did not work. Finally got my old stationary machine to work, so I'll try to install Linuxmint and QLC+ on that one, and hope that that machine sort out the interfaces correctly. More feedback tomorrow.

toggling VC through midi

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2014 7:05 pm
by Ole Petter Bjørling
Yeehaw, seems like the problem is solved, after MANY hours of troubleshooting. I set up sonar on the same machine as qlc+, and used a virtual midi-interface. Same problem. BUT, now I got a error-message, saying that the virtual midi-interface is not able to recieve feedback-message. What feedback? QLC+ shall not offer any feedback with my settings. After I replaced 2 lamps in the middle og the DMX-chain, all lamps started to act really weird. Nothing was right, every command I gave to the lamps, the lamps lived their own life, and did something else. I replaced one dmx-cabel, and EVERYTHING worked as intended, included the midi-signals. So if anyone has the same problem, check dmx-cables. Obviously when a cable is defect, there will be some kind of feedback in the dmx-chain, and the Enttec openDMX interface f.... up the midi-signals.