Midi input Auto-detection OK but Playback fails in Virtual Console

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Hello Massimo,
The behavior is the following:
- Loopmidi (used since a long time with previous releases of QLC+)
- QLC+ 4.8.2
- sendmidi.exe binary file with argument --out 1 --program-change 0 10

in virtual console, when using Auto-detection, QLC+ identifies well the signal and display value 395.
I also declared a MIDI profil and the signal is well catched by the wizard.

Going to playback mode, no button can be activated in Virtual Console, despite the Input/output editor identifies the signal and display the arrow way signal received on midi port.
The Midi port is declared Open.

I am using a qxw file migrated from previous version of QLC+

Is it a known issue or do I have to create a new qxw file ?


I created a new qxw file with same results.

QLC+ seems to be 1 octave over, see if this is the problem
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