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Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:21 am
by Enoch Lothamer
Hi, I am very new to QLC+ and have been able to figure everything out from the forums and tutorials so far but have run into some trouble with my midi controller. I was able to figure out how to get all the sliders to work using the forums but need help getting LED feedback on the knobs. Right now when I turn the knobs I get no LED feedback at all. If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know! Also I am wondering if it is possible to change the LED color on the buttons of the APC 40MK2. its an amber color by default and I would like to change them to represent the color of the respective scenes they launch. Also Is it possible to have two inputs for midi? I want to use my APC as well as TouchOSC on my phone. Can I use them both at the same time? Please take the time to assist me if you can. Thanks a bunch!!!

Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 6:24 am
by Shikhir Arora
I don't think LED feedback is possible - you have to even program what is a slider or knob manually because it's converted from MIDI to DMX and this is done primitively. Now I'm not sure if there's any possible way to "hack" your APC40 MK2 but I don't think you can get the reactive color or pressure/velocity for MIDI.

You should be able to do two MIDI controllers, just have to have them both enabled. Might have to have two universes (have to check personally as I only use one), and of course properly program each one.

Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:59 am
by Jano Svitok
Since the latest version (4.8.2) it is possible to choose from MIDI messages (PC/CC/Note on/...) in the profile editor. It's not necessary to hand-compute the "DMX" values anymore. I hope it will make creating profiles easier. Comments to this feature are welcome.

Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:00 am
by Jano Svitok
LED feedback is not supported as far as I know.

Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:33 pm
by Joep Admiraal
I have never tested the led feedback on the knobs since I only own an APC20. Also I don't think it is possible to change the colors on the buttons at the moment.

Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 12:41 pm
by Alessandro Grechi
Led feedback works well on my APC40, for both buttons and knobs.
Just select the appropriate init script in midi settings and reload QLC+

Re: Using APC40 MKII as a midi controller issues with LED feedback!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:35 pm
by MicheleRota
Hello :D
I'm going to make a list of corresponding colors on AKAI APC 40 MKII's feedback.
I've just started and here's results, anyone here can help me to go on ?

2 bianco bassa
3 bianco bassa
4 bianco bassa
5 bianco bassa
6 bianco alta
7 bianco alta
8 rosa alta
9 rosa alta
10 rosso alta
11 rosso alta
12 rosso bassa
13 rosso bassa
14 rosso bassa
15 rosso bassa
16 bianco alta
17 bianco sporco rosa alta
18 arancio alta
19 arancio alta
20 arancio bassa
21 arancio bassa
22 arancio scuro? bassa
23 arancio scuro? bassa
24 bianco caldo alta
25 bianco caldo alta
26 giallo alta
27 giallo alta
28 ambra alta
29 ambra alta
30 ambra bassa
31 ambra bassa
32 menta alta
33 menta alta
34 verde lime alta
35 verde lime alta
36 verde lime bassa
37 verde lime bassa

sorry, next step translate from italian