Very annoying "feature"

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Hey, there is a "feature" in fixturetreewidget that is very annoying.

sortByColumn(KColumnName, Qt::AscendingOrder);

I think we really don't need this, but this produces some problems. When we have for example 16 Heads in a fixture named "Head 1", ..., "Head 16".
Then it will be ordered
Head 1
Head 10
Head 11
Head 16
Head 2

So the problem is when you want to add rows or colums to fixture groups at once, they are ordered in a very strange order. You have to order it item by item by hand -> very annoying.

I would suggest to delete these two lines an keep the natural order.
Taco de Jong

This a regular way of sorting in many programs. Solution would be to name the heads '01'instead of just '1'. And when you go above hundred you start with '001'

Is that possible by hand?

That would be the other possibility. But that means there has to be a change in the fixture-editor code. The programm is labeling the heads on its own 1,2,...10,11,...

I mean, it's now really a bug that makes work impossible, but maybe we can get it better.
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