Operate/Edit Suggestion

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As I was using QLC+ this weekend, an idea occurred to me which I thought I would share. It may very well be that this would be too difficult to implement because it does shift the paradigm of the program quite a bit, but I thought I would at least mention it just in case it might be helpful.

QLC+ has come a LONG way in being able to edit stuff on the fly which is HUGE for me. Just this past week, I was able to edit things during a show on two different systems which saved me a bunch of time, however there are still a few things that can't be done in operate mode. For example, editing the virtual console. Like I said, that's not a huge problem, but if I'm going to do serious programming during a show, I generally have to make a bunch of buttons, assign them to collections which act as placeholders until I edit them and then I assign MIDI commands to the newly made buttons. If I need to drop out of operate mode, I can do that by overriding everything with the simple desk, but only as long as everything is on a static scene (which works sometimes and does not other times). What I can't do is make a new button or assign a function to a button.

However, it occurred to me that it might be possible to change the paradigm of QLC+ so that the default was essentially to be in operate mode and then have something like an edit mode that would essentially hold the currently running functions until the edit mode was exited. Obviously, I realize that this might have some significant implications on the program, so I can completely understand if it's not feasible to do that. Nevertheless, QLC+ is very close to a point where just about everything can be done during a live show and it would be awesome if it could get to the point where the last few things (excluding stuff like adding fixtures, which I don't think is really something that is necessary) could be done live as well.
david garyga


I have been needing this too, I'll have a look and see if a "Live Edit Virtual Console" button can be implemented.
Joep Admiraal

That would be would be very useful for me too.
david garyga

Ok, my button is open for testing, branch here if you compile qlc+ from source:

discussion here too:
Joep Admiraal

I compiled your branch and it looks promising.
I have not yet tested it with actual dmx fixtures, but the dmx monitor shows the expected results after changing some functions in the VC.
Chris Laurie

Slightly off-topic, but one thing I would like to see is an extension of the dump dmx to function feature, where the current dmx can update an existing function instead of having to create a new one, especially in operate mode.

This goes hand in hand with the new level monitor functionality. It would allow you to slightly tweak the existing the running function and hit the button and then just update the function.

One can currently do this by going to functions while in operate mode, go to functions tab, find the function, selecting it, turn blind mode off, find relevant channel and adjust it. This is however not practical in a live or dress rehearsal environment.
david garyga

Thanks Joep. I've just fixed some issues, don't forget to update the test branch for further testing. Let me know if you find anything.
Ov3rwatch [JL Griffin]

+1 Great work. Hopefully these changes will be approved and merged to master!


Your addition is excellent. I used it with the recently released 4.8.2 yesterday and it's just what I was looking for. Many props to you! I did have it crash once or twice, but I know it's experimental so no worries there!
Massimo Callegari

Very good George
If you happen to understand the steps to reproduce the crashes we'd appreciate it so we can fix them and move this feature out of the experimental stage


If I can reliably reproduce them, I will definitely report. So far, it's been kind of sporadic. Renaming existing buttons and such doesn't seem to be much of a problem, but I did see some issues when adding new buttons (and the crash would generally occur when exiting the live edit mode).
david garyga

I've tried to reproduce a crash but I can't. Do you have any more information to share ? What type of buttons did you add, what type of function did they control ?
Would you share your workspace file here ?

Thanks :)


I'll see if I can reproduce the crash and if I can, I'll share the file and instructions to reproduce.
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