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mes premiers test et retour QLC + windows seven 64 bits

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:20 am
by yannick leleu
really happy to use this program when I do not have the opportunity to have Grandma's hands so I can only compare the 2 ...
it's great to be able to arrange the virtual console but it's a shame to have same number of presets for various machine. ex: 8 different machine, but rgb = 8 preset color ... I guess it has to do with the following: one can select some live machine assign a fx because the functions are generated machine would would be ideal to have on the virtual console window groups machine of unassigned preset to select the machines and the preset fx or why not a store button then click an empty and its cool ^^. the rgb matrixis super but Windows image pattern does not work under Seven so, I created a button to flash strobe from the shutters but when I release the shutter value of the flash remains engaged, after a time when monitor window is open QLC + crash on Windows not Linux
thank you again for this software the best free !!

vraiment heureux d'utiliser ce programme quand je n'ai pas l'occasion d'avoir la Grandma entre les mains de ce fait je ne peux que comparer les 2...

je trouve génial de pouvoir agencer la console virtuelle mais je trouve dommage de me retrouver avec plusieurs presets identique pour différentes machine ex : 8 machine différentes mais rvb = 8 preset de couleur... je suppose que cela a un lien avec ce qui suit : on ne peut sélectionner en live certaine machine pour leur affecter un fx car les fonctions sont généré machines inclus.Il serait idéal d'avoir sur la console virtuelle une fenêtre des groupes de machine ,des preset non affectés pour sélectionner les machines puis le preset ou fx et pourquoi pas un bouton store puis clic sur un bouton vide et hop le tour est joué ^^. super le rgb matrix mais sous Windows le motif image ne fonctionne pas sous Linux oui , j'ai créé un bouton flash pour strobe à partir des shutters mais quand je relâche le flash la valeur du shutter reste enclenché , au bout d'un moment quand la fenêtre de monitor est ouverte QlC+ crash sous Windows pas Linux
désolé je n'ai pas écrit en anglais car peur des mauvaises traductions
merci encore pour ce logiciel le meilleur des gratuits !!

mes premiers test et retour QLC + windows seven 64 bits

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:44 am
by Massimo Callegari
English please !
If everyone writes in their own language this forum will really get messy.

mes premiers test et retour QLC + windows seven 64 bits

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:08 am
by Jano Svitok

1. one preset for several machines: several people requested this already, including myself :) Unfortunately nobody has found time to implement

2. RGM matrix images: can you provide sample workspace (.qxw file) that demonstrates the problem ("windows images do not work under linux")? Which Linux distribution/version?

3. strobe flash button remains on: this is known LTP problem. I'm thinking about a solution how to fix it.

4. QLC+ crash: please post step-by-step process how to reproduce, including workspace (qxw file), fixture definitions (qxf files), operating system version, QLC+ version.

Please, next time it's probably better if you try writing English, since now we have to rely on google translator :) Also, please separate different ideas to different paragraphs so it's easier to read and understand.

mes premiers test et retour QLC + windows seven 64 bits

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:07 pm
by yannick leleu
try with google translation ^^

I use QLC + 4.7.4 on windows 7 64 bit
the matrix rgb use Bitmap works with Linux not on Seven

when I open the window monitoring and I reduces it , QLC+ crash After a time

I'm interested in your solution to the shutter "script?"

I try to attach my file

thank you