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Idea for Scenes

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:44 pm
by Matt
I am using this software in a theatrical environment and "track" mode for cues is common. I read that it would be difficult for QLC+ and do like the ability to jump anywhere in the cue stack. While a true track mode would be closest to production control desks I have another approach which might be simpler. I thought about it and what might give much of the benefit of this in a straightforward way is to be able to have a base scene then reference it in another scene.

For example, I have a look for a scene then I want to add one fixture or dim a fixture for a few lines then restore its level. Then I decide to change the base look. With track mode I change it once and the settings track through to the following cues. With the alternative approach If I could define a base scene "A", then in the scene definition if I could reference that scene in say scene "B". Scene "B" would look like scene "A" except any fixtures defined in "B" would override the values in scene "A". This would give me a way to make my changes once and have them visible in multiple scenes.

You could establish a rule to limit the complexity if needed, only one level of nesting is permitted. In the above example I could not create a scene "C" which references "B". I could copy "B" and make changes as desired.

Is this something which others would find helpful? I hate having to make the same change in several places and I'm looking for better ways to organize this. Possibly in the function editor they could be displayed as "sub" scenes the way a sequence is nested in a scene. With this display approach it would logically group my scenes together.

One other feature request, in the chase list would it possible to add a cue # which is independent of the scene? This number would stay constant as other scenes are inserted. Say 1.1 is added between 1 and 2. This keeps cue numbers constant (and matching the notes in the script) as other cues are added.

Thanks for the great work on the program!