Enttec usb pro input?

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James C

Hey guys, super intimidated posting here. Tried finding my answers in the forum but everyone seems miles ahead of my knowledge. Anyway here it goes. Just upgraded to qlc plus after a long absence from lighting. I was going through the tutorial videos clicking on the inputs and out puts of my usb pro. Looked like everything was fine but after toggling the modes in the input the whole thing disappeared. So now there in no input for my usb pro, just the output. Any ideas? I tried re-starting and reinstalling, still not input for the dmx usb.

qlc plus 4.7.4
Mac os mountain lion
enttec usb pro
James C

hahaha lots of looking, not much commenting...
Jano Svitok

I don't have the device so I can't comment directly. What may help is to reset QLC+ configuration, see "Parameters tuning" in the online help or directly http://www.qlcplus.org/docs/parameterstuning.html#reset

Sorry, built my own controller and never seen the Aussie Enttec stuff.
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