QLC+ 4.7.3 on PC and Mac - PC Fades Much Less Smooth
I have been running QLC+ 4.7.3 on my Macbook Pro (2.4Ghz Duo Core) and it runs perfectly, but I decided to get a Windows computer (2.4Ghz Duo Core) to run it on. When I fade in and out of scenes it's a lot more smooth on the Mac than on the PC (really jerky/steps on Windows machine). Since they are both 2.4 Ghz Duo Core processors, not sure what's causing that. I did notice that when I open the monitor and look at the light simulation, the simulated lights are also not fading smoothly. They mimic exactly what the real lights are doing, so it does not appear to be an interface problem. I have 2GB of ram in the Windows computer but the Mac is 4GB. Does the Windows version need more than 2GB of ram? Thank you in advance.