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Moving heads

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:17 pm
by Nick
Is there anyway of inputting your own custom shapes into the efx tool or only able to plot movements using pan and tilt manually?

Moving heads

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:40 pm
by Jano Svitok
If you want to add a particular generic shape (like the predefined circle/square), I can add it for you. You just have to provide the formulas, or at least shape description (I may be able to figure the formulas myself). You'll also have to compile from sources, or wait till next release.

If you want to draw some dots, it's not supported. You have to create scenes with pan/tilt channels, and connect them in a chaser.


- 16 bit fades don't work quite right in QLC+, so you may get better fades with using just coarse PAN/TILT channels (or not, it depends). For fast enough fades it doesn't matter (less than a minute or two).

- Use position tool in the scene editor to set PAN/TILT faster. It will also compute/show angles (if pan/tilt ranges are entered in fixture definition).

- In all channels view, position tool affects all fixtures, in tabbed mode only the selected one (but all heads of the selected fixture).

- For external control (e.g. midi controller/touch osc), create pan/tilt channel groups (I don't use this yet so I can't tell you more).

- If you are a programming type, you may create a sample pan/tilt scene, save the workspace and enter the rest by editing XML source.

Moving heads

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 8:16 am
by Michael Clements
Hi Jano and Nick,

I submitted some ideas on additional EFX shapes a while ago. These were:

Hypotrochoid (draws a rounded star, any number of points)

Hypocycloid (similar to the diamond but with any number of points and the possibilty of the path crossing itself)

The Wikipedia pages should make all clear, including the formulae.

Also worth considering are the epitrochoid and epicycloid.

The thought occurs to me that it might be possible to design an EFX interface in which parametric formulae for the X and Y coordinates could be entered directly, then the mathematically inclined user could have no end of fun!

Moving heads

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:18 am
by Boxy
He wants an automatic one of these:

Moving heads

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:36 pm
by OddSocks
That would be Cool :-)

I vote for Spirograph ;-)