Generating unique effects?

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Joel Waddell

Hey there, I just downloaded this program today, and so far I love what I am seeing! Great job guys. And the fact you put it up for free, I find incredible. Good on you.

The program I used before this is Chromateq LED player. I'm almost a QLC+ convert because it has some great features and usability, but before I completely transition, could someone please help me with this issue?

>>In Chromateq light controller, there was a "Generator" function, where you could create a unique effect. For example, If you want your par cans to be randomly fading between pink and blue randomly with none of them showing the same colour/intensity at the same time, you would click "Sequencer" and then select the number of colours, what the colours are, how many fixtures per colour etc. Then click generate, and the steps would appear as a chase.

You could also choose from, and edit several presets such as "Rainbow" "wave" "half wave" and "wagon"
Is there any way of doing this in QLC+?

Thanks for your work!
Massimo Callegari

Hello Joel, the functionality you ask for is not present in QLC+ as it is, but thanks to its great flexibility, it can be achieved.
What you need is some RGB Matrices and some custom RGB Scripts.
You'll need a bit of Javascript knowledge, but with RGB scripts you can create any colorful effect you like !
In the QLC+ documentation main page, click on "RGB Script API" to learn more.

I would do a few myself but lately what I'm missing is time.

Please let me know how it goes.
Joel Waddell

Ok thanks, I will give it a try!
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