Remapping Question

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Jared Pietrowicz

I don't think this is possible, so I'm seeking how others might approach this problem.

I have 12 Conventional pars (1 Channel each), but the dimmer pack that the pars run off of are in sets of 12. For organizational purposes, I'd like to have the pars laid out in QLC+ like this:

Par 1 - Channel 1
Par 2 - Channel 2
Par 3 - Channel 3
Par 4 - Channel 4
Par 5 - Channel 5
Par 6 - Channel 6
Par 7 - Channel 101
Par 8 - Channel 102
Par 9 - Channel 103
Par 10 - Channel 104
Par 11 - Channel 105
Par 12 - Channel 106

but have it run off the dimmer like this:

Par 1 - Channel 1
Par 2 - Channel 2
Par 3 - Channel 3
Par 4 - Channel 4
Par 5 - Channel 5
Par 6 - Channel 6
Par 7 - Channel 7
Par 8 - Channel 8
Par 9 - Channel 9
Par 10 - Channel 10
Par 11 - Channel 11
Par 12 - Channel 12

If I do a remap, it just shows up as the dimmer pack 1-12, not the individual fixtures 1-12, and not my crazy channel assignments.


-Jared Pietrowicz
Jano Svitok


I'm not sure I understand you. You have 12-channel dimmer, with addresses 1-12 for the channels. You want to "name" the channels/pars in QLC+ as 1-6, 101-106, while their DMX addresses should stay 1-12. Right?

Jared Pietrowicz


Yeah basically I'd like to "name" the channels 1-6, 101-106 - While I can name them that, in the simple desk view, they will be listed by their dmx channels.

I guess what I was looking for was some type of patchbay in between qlc and the dmx output.

So perhaps I just need to rethink my organizational scheme.


(ps. Thanks for your reply Jano, you seem to be very active and helpful with everyone on this forum)
Michael Clements

Hi Jared,

In Qlc+, a Channel is an output to a DMX address. On many lighting consoles, a channel is a physical slider which is then patched to one or more outputs to DMX addresses.

In Qlc+ a patch can be achieved in the following ways (if not more!):

1) In the Virtual Console, set up Level Controls. These can be patched to any DMX Channels (addresses) and named anything you like, e.g. Level Control 101 patched to channel 7.

2) In the Virtual Console, a Button or a Playback Slider / Knob named 101 can replay a Scene containing Channel 7

3) In the Fixture Manager, set up Channels Groups. These can each contain any DMX Channels you want. Each Channels Group can then be used in the Scene Editor which is part of the Functions Manager. In the Scene Editor the dimmer will still have its own tab for Channels 1 through 12, but Channels Groups 101 through 106 could control dimmer channels 7 through 12.

This really comes into its own with lots of PAR cans or similar – for example, blue group controls channels 17, 18, 33, 34, 52, 54, 58, 61 orange group controls channels 9, 10, 13, 14, 26, 28, 44, 46 etc.

The fixtures remapping is for substituting one (or more) fixture(s) for another, e.g. you have programmed a light show with dimmer 1-12 and now need to use dimmer 101-112 or whatever instead.

All in all, with 12 PARs, I think it would be easier to mentally add 6 rather than 100 to your channels 1 through 6.
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