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Odd Sound Lag Issue that has crept up

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:05 pm
by Chris
Good Day,

I've had an odd issue creep up on me that I wanted to bring to your attention. I've been working on my shows for some time with no issues when all of a sudden in the last few days the sound will lag behind after I press stop. While in the show editor the audio is in sync fine, I press stop to edit my scene, click back on the timeline a bit to preview but when I press play, the audio is actually starting about 2 seconds further back on the timeline then where I clicked and everything becomes out of sync. The only way for me to get it back in sync is to double press stop and start from the beginning, which when you're trying to edit a scene 6-7 minutes or more into the show, it gets a little annoying having to wait that time to see if the scene is good or needs to be adjusted again.

Any thoughts as to what may be causing this? I think it might have something to do with a mistake I made. At one point while audio was playing, I right clicked the audio track and selected preview stereo channels, the audio made a funny sound then cut out and I had to restart QLC+. Is was probably shortly after that, that this issue started happening. I tried re-installing QLC+ but that didn't appear to have an effect on it.

I'm running Windows 7, QLC+ 4.7.2
