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OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:12 pm
by Sascha Büttner
I have some serious trouble creating Audio Triggers. The widget does not at all show input most of the time but sometimes shortly flashes and then the shown levels remain visible forever but they never trigger anything.
What am I doing wrong? Could someone please walk me through?
I am using QLC+ 4.7.2 on OSX 10.9.2, output is set to OpenDMX and is working. Audio input is either set to Default, Built In or Microphone with the respective settings in Audio-Midi, I tried 16bit and 24bit resolution but no success.
Any hints or ideas or is it a real OSX QLC+ problem?
Re: OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 7:12 pm
by dj fonic
I also have some serious trouble using Audio Triggers. The widget does not show an input. If in matrix editing, selecting audio spectrum efx just crashes QLC.
What am I doing wrong? Could someone please walk me through?
I am using QLC+OSX 10.7.4, DMX output is set to Art-Net and is working. Audio input is either set to Default, Built In or Microphone, no success.
Any hints or ideas or is it a real OSX QLC+ problem?[/quote]
OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 10:36 pm
by Sascha Büttner
Just to make sure I am not totally dumb, I moved my whole QLC+-Setup from my Macbook Pro to my old Macbook White running Windows 8.1 in Bootcamp.
After opening my Fixtures in the Editor and simply resave them (there seems to be either a charset or a format difference between OS X and Windows) everything runs well.
And my Audio Trigger works as expected.
To my surprise even remote control using TouchOSC on my iPad simply runs after changing the Notebook IP in the TouchOSC-Settings without any further hassle. Awesome!
Thank you Massimo! Your QLCplus is simply awesome. And please, look for a fix for Audio Triggers on OSX.
OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:43 pm
by Derek Smith
Looking for the OSX fix
OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 7:52 pm
by Maarten Provo
Hmmm, I believe I have the same problem.
Running OSX 10.10 with QLC+ v4.8.1 and whatever I do the audio trigger doesn't register anything though the mic is registering just fine.
Re: OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2015 11:35 am
by andyclimb
I'm new! managing to get effects running to an ESP8266.. and QLC looks really promising to control the lights and have some disco fun!
I'm now trying to get an input audio source to QLC, first attempt.. microphone.
Using MAC OX 10.10.4 (14E46)
QLC QLC+ 4.9.1
1) the micophone is working, Skype works, the mic bar registers sound in sound preferences.
2) I've gone to the inputs/outputs, selected universe 1, and selected audio, and ticked the microphone --> Input box.
3) restart QLC
4) Added widget audio trigger, to the virtual console.
This is where I should i guess receive volume on the bars! I do not. not a peep? nada..
Have i missed an important step?
and help appreciated?
Re: OSX and AudioTriggers
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:25 pm
by pengumaniac
Hello andyclimb,
maybe somehow related - about my difficulties to get Audio Trigger widget active:
If I turn it off or try adjusting ATW's properties (Designmode or Live-edit) and switch back to operate,
turn it on - it is dead, too - no reaction!
pls, try that (explored by structured trial&error on the possibilities):
1. Go to I/O page, tab Audio, check off Input Channel, check on again
2. Go to VC, check off/on Widget -> here it is, reanimated successful...
On starting QLC+ w/ default.qxw already in op-mode: fine, no question at all!
the other part "low level"- dj tonic also welcome, I think its better to continue below Software Development...