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New to qlc+ and dmx in general - a few questions

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 10:29 am
by Aidan Vogt
Hey all, I'm new here.

Really enjoying qlc+.
I'm generally an audio guy but have been drifting towards lights for my church. Currently using this in a simple dimmer and rgb par setup but am looking to set up something cool.

I'm using a MacBook with mavericks currently and a udmx interface

1) I keep reading about loa. What is it. I keep seeing qlc won't work without it but I haven't had any issues so far.

2) step fadding - I've noticed when using qlc with my pars (7channel rgb dmx pars made by xtc pro, just a cheap generic, I'm using the adj rgb par 64 patch with them and seems to be working sweet) I am finding I can't get smooth fades the same way I can with a concole, has anybody got a solution as it just seems to step down the intensity. It looks like the same happens in the tut video for scenes. Seems to be the same with the dimmer

Looking forward to hearing back from you guys.
Thanks in advance

New to qlc+ and dmx in general - a few questions

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 11:36 am
by OddSocks
Hi and welcome,

1) I think you mean OLA, which is stands for "Open Lighting Architecture". This is a system of sending DMX messages over Ethernet. It is not required by everyone and has a separate download for it.

2) Is the stepping of the fading at the lower end of the fade? If so I believe that this is a problem with some units. One of the problems is the LEDs light output is not linear with current / voltage, and human eyes are not linear with their sensitivity, so 1/256th of output current to an LED will look significantly brighter than it should at the lower end. Some units work round this by having an internal look up table to create a more logarithmic output.

New to qlc+ and dmx in general - a few questions

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 8:11 am
by Aidan Vogt
Yep thanks I did mean ola but my ipad decided to change it.

Thanks heaps for the info.
It seems the stepping is in all of the fade but definitely easier to see in lower light levels.

Last week I was using a cheap controller with no issue on the fade however