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Odds & Evens
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:41 pm
by Mike Scholman
Noob question perhaps, but I used the function wizard to generate scenes and virtual console buttons using the '16 color' option. I checked the box for odd/even so I ended up with 3 buttons of each color (ie. Red/Red(Even)/Red(Odd)), etc... I don't have my dongle yet so I was watching the DMX values in the Monitor window. When I click 'Red (Even)', LED fixtures 2/4/6 get set to RGB 255/0/0. If I click 'Blue (Odd)', LED fixtures 1/3/5 get set to RGB 0/0/255, but 2/4/6 also get set to RGB 0/0/0. That is not the behavior I was expecting. I was hoping I could select 'Red (Even)' then 'Blue (Odd) to get Red/Blue/Red/Blue/Red/Blue, for example. In each scene only the appropriate (Even or Odd) fixtures are selected - why are the scenes affecting all of the LED fixtures rather than just the odds or the evens? How do I configure the desired behavior?
Thanks, MIKE
PS. Loving the software
Odds & Evens
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:14 am
by Luis García-Tornel
Hi Mike,
the thing with the wizard is that puts the buttons in a *Solo Frame*, which means that you can only activate one button at a time.
There are some workarounds to this, for example:
- Copy/paste all the buttons to a *Normal Frame*, so you can activate more than one button at a time.
- Run the wizard 3 times, Selecting in the last step only the Odd scenes, then the Even scenes and finally the "all". This way you get 3 *Solo Frames*. Notice that the wizard creates one frame on top of the other so you will need to move the frames in the VC to see the ones below.
- Omit the last step of the wizard and create your own frames, buttons, speed dials, etc. This is more time consuming but you get more flexibility.
Hope this helps,
Odds & Evens
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 2:24 am
by Luis García-Tornel
By the way... you can tell if a frame is a Solo or Normal by the colour:
Red frames = Solo Frames
Blue frames = Normal Frame
Odds & Evens
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 11:44 am
by Mike Scholman
Thanks Luis - That helps a lot. I separated All/Odd/Even into 3 distinct solo frames and it is working more like I wanted. I still have one issue... If I select Red/Blue in the Odd/Even solo frames it works (Red/Blue/Red/Blue/Red/Blue) - then subsequently click - let's say Yellow in the 'All' solo frame, the output doesn't change to all Yellow - rather, it seems to be somewhat a mix of colors since in the Odd/Even solo frames, Red and Blue are still selected. Is there a way to configure it such that when I click a button in the 'All' solo frame, it clears the selections in the Odd/Even first? Am I doing something wrong?
PS. The reverse is also true - If I select Yellow in the 'All' solo frame - then subsequently click Red/Blue in the Odd/Even solo frames, I don't get Red/Blue either since Yellow is still selected in the All solo frame.
Thanks for your help - great community!
Odds & Evens
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 1:59 pm
by Mike Scholman
I think I have a solution - tell me if this sounds convoluted...
Instead of having the 'All' buttons linked to scenes, I linked them to scripts which stop all the other color functions - then start both the Odd and Even for the appropriate color:
For example: All Blue
stopfunction:16 // Scene Green - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Even)
stopfunction:17 // Scene Green - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Odd)
stopfunction:37 // Scene Red - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Even)
stopfunction:38 // Scene Red - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Odd)
stopfunction:46 // Scene White - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Even)
stopfunction:47 // Scene White - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Odd)
stopfunction:43 // Scene Yellow - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Even)
stopfunction:44 // Scene Yellow - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Odd)
startfunction:7 // Scene Blue - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Even)
startfunction:8 // Scene Blue - COLORado 1 Tri Tour (Odd)
Is that the best way? Please comment if you have a simpler alternative.
![alternate text]( ... ddeven.png)
Thanks, MIKE
Odds & Evens
Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:43 pm
by Luis García-Tornel
I've never used the scripts myself (except for some quick tests) but looks good. That's one of the great things of this software: is sooooo flexible to accommodate to different kinds of work.
I have a simpler alternative but has some drawbacks.
create a big solo frame that contains the following:
- buttons for 'All' scenes
- 2 other solo frames with buttons for 'even' and 'odd' scenes
(I'm attaching a screenshot and a workspace to make it clearer)
This way you can press the 'All' buttons and deactivates the 'Even' or 'Odd' that may be selected. And the drawback: if you have an 'All' active, activating an 'Even' or 'Odd' does not deactivates the 'All'