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Thank you and donation

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 6:38 am
by Chris Laurie
Following a committee meeting it was decided that our small community theatre association will make a donation of US$150 towards the QLC+ project.

While we are a small society and all profits we may make is needed for our aims and future productions we made a modest profit on our last show, due, partly, to us doing our lights ourselves and not renting in a professional company.

We would like to thank the QLC+ team for the software and hope that our support will make sure that it continues.

Great work Massimo! and thanks to you and Jano and all the others.

Thank you and donation

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:07 am
by Massimo Callegari
Wow Chris, I don't know what to say other than THANKS to you and the association !
You already have done a lot for this project by suggesting some precious functionalities and by donating a Raspberry Pi, so I didn't expect anything more.

I indeed confirm my commitment to the project and those specific features aiming theatre productions like yours.
For historical reasons QLC has been written with an architecture in mind that is now uncomfortable in certain situations.

I already have in mind how QLC+ 5.0 will have to be and it will reduce to the minimum the gap between "design" and "operate" mode.

I started to work on it, using the latest technology that the Qt libraries are offering and I really hope to be able to design the QLC+ I have in mind.
The way is long and I will have a lot to learn, but I'll do my best.

Again, thank you very much for supporting this project !

Thank you and donation

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:24 am
by Chris Laurie
Pleasure Massimo - we have a vested interest in using and improving QLC+ for theatre use.