MIDI triggering buttons in 4.7.0

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Anders Eriksson

Hi, beeing new to this forum I want to say that I think QLC+ is a great and capable software. There is though one problem preventing me from using it live.

I've tried to search for my problem or a related one but failed.

I try to get the Behringer FCB1010 foot pedal to control buttons and step Cue lists in Virtual Console.
This is what I've done:
- Created a profile for Behringer FCB1010. The joystick symbol flashes when foot switches are pressed.
- In the Cue list properties dialog used the Auto Detect button.
- External Input is populated with
Input Universe 1:Behringer FCB1010
Input Channel 385: B00:SW1
- Checked Toggle function on/off
- Pressed OK
- Switched to Operate mode.

..and nothing happens.

I've also tried to bind Expression Pedal A on the FCB1010 to the Grand Master using the same method as described above and succeded!

Both Program Change and Control Change have been tested in the Configure MIDI plugin dialog with the same result.

The MIDI messages I've used have been logged by MIDI-OX.
Switch 1 Bank 00 on FCB1010 is the C0 00 -- and is represented as Input channel 385 by QLC+
(DATA2 seem to be empty)
Expression Pedal A is the B0 1B and is represented as Input channel 28 (27+1) by QLC+

Opened MIDI Input
00000BBC 2 -- C0 00 -- 1 --- PC: Acc. Grand Piano
00007A57 2 -- B0 1B 7F 1 --- Control Change
00007B9E 2 -- B0 1B 01 1 --- Control Change

Is the empty DATA2 byte the problem? Is there a workaround?

Hello Anders

Its been a while since your post - that was never answered

Now I am sitting with the same problem - Buttons mapped in profile editor and correctly "seen" when "auto detect" is pressed in VC edit mode - but when done nothing happens when the midi button is pressed

Did you find a solution ??

Ohh one thing - I GOT the expression pedals to work - and can assign them to any slider... But Switches on the board assigned to buttons in VC is no go ...
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