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QLC+ 1.7.0 crashes on startup (OSX) if OLA isn't running.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:58 pm
by Alexander Swensen
EDIT: sorry, 4.7.0 for title.

Hey guys, thought I would make it known that QLC+ 4.7.0 was crashing consistently unless OLA was already running. At first it seemed to crash at MIDI and sometimes at OLA, so I tried running OLA deamon and it happened to work. I am running OS X 10.9 with latest updates.

If you want a crash log I am happy to provide them. (rather as soon as someone tells me how unless you just want the generic OSX crash log)

It may also have to do with the fact that I was running 4.7.0 RC1, which started fine, and then updated.

QLC+ 1.7.0 crashes on startup (OSX) if OLA isn't running.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:14 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, what version of OLA have you got in your system ?

QLC+ 1.7.0 crashes on startup (OSX) if OLA isn't running.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:49 am
by Joe
Same story here, I'm running the latest build of OLA from Macports. Is there a command that will return version?

QLC+ 1.7.0 crashes on startup (OSX) if OLA isn't running.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 10:22 am
by webdb22
Stopped OLA and was able to run QLC+ 4.7.0 without any noticeable issues.

Joe, you may use "olad -v"

$ qlcplus -v
Q Light Controller Plus version 4.7.0
$ olad -v
OLA olad version: 0.9.0
$ cat /etc/
Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS