__Introduction:__ Hello everyone. First I will introduce myself as I have yet to interact with this group. I was briefly involved at the original QLC forum a number of years ago before discovering QLC+ and moving here. My name is Alexander Swensen, im a film maker by trade, but do lighting &/or sound for a number of theatrical/church programs on my local campus as side jobs. Our performance hall is setup for full multiple DMX universes, sometimes we rent moving heads & LED lights, but usually we make use of the ETC Dimmer rack and a ton of Source 4's. It makes for a great hobby and it's something I really enjoy. (besides bringing in some extra cash on the side)
__Suck-up section:__ I would like to first thank Massimo Callegari and the rest of the community/dev team for all the work they have done on taking the original QLC and bringing it even further. I have been reading through the development threads and must say that I sympathize with the frustrations of the OSX build and environments. Keep up the good work! And best of luck as you port QLC+ to QT5.
__Down to business:__ I have a few questions, but the main one is about DMX outputs on multiple devices/plugins. I am starting to work with Capture Polar and would like the ability to send output to both my Enttec USB Open DMX interface and Artnet for use with Capture Polar. Most of the time I am using Touch OSC and an iPad/Android Tablet to control my shows, but for the more complex shows I tend to add a tactile interface to the inputs. (typically from an ETC Smart-Fade I have access to)
My question is: is it possible to map multiple outputs to be split between USB and Artnet? While writing this post i thought about using OLA, but in the past I have had great difficulty getting OLA to compile on my Mac and had no luck in resolving that issue. I read through the documentation and realize the current system can only have one input, output, and feedback per universe, and feedback is only compatible with MIDI at the moment. While feedback on an Artnet would be perfect for this, it isn't developed. I was simply curious on if anyone else has had any success.
Thanks everyone, and I look forward to continuing my involvement in this community.
- Alex