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Fixture definitions and groups

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:52 pm
by Jose Paris
Hi there,

I'm just beginning with QLC+ but if seems to be a awesome project. Many thanks to the brains behind it and for make it open and free.

My background in lighting begun 20 years ago so I did saw mainly everything in this field and it seems that QLC+ is going to be in the hall of fame.

So, I was designing some fixture definitions, could take them from your library or forums, but I did them myself just to begin from 0. One thing I miss designing fixture definitions and I miss so much when designing virtual consoles is the ability found in many other systems to define a "zero" value for each channel and, more important, define a "default" value for each channel. I think it'll help a lot in designing if you could implement it and also implement a button or so to recall one or both values for a fixture or group of them in the virtual console.

On the other hand I saw that you have a way to do "fixture groups" that, when making scenes, you don't have access to them... So, I make a group of four fixtures that I want to operate in the same way (very common) and I need to add them one by one instead of selecting the fixture group. I think that there will be very useful to be able to select them by groups also.

There are some more bits I don't really understand, but I'll experiment some days with them before posting again.

Thank you and keep going!

Jose Paris

Fixture definitions and groups

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:03 pm
by Connor Faulder
If I'm not mistaken I think fixture groups are only for RGB matrixes or has that now changed?

Fixture definitions and groups

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 12:06 pm
by Massimo Callegari
Hi, basically fixture groups have 2 usages:
- logical grouping
- heads displacement

The second case is for RGB matrices, but the first case is actually not used so much in QLC+.
I support Jose's idea and will allow a more efficient use of them

Fixture definitions and groups

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:17 pm
by Jose Paris
Hi Massimo,

You're right, I use them to do logical grouping when I want the heads to move the same and to change colors, gobos, etc, at once. I think it's very common in a lot of shows when you use fixtures as a background lighting curtains or so, doing, let's say, architectural lighting.

So thank you for your understanding on this.

And, don't you think the same about setting a default value for any channels in the fixture definition? I tend to use it on other systems to set TILT to 50%, SHUTTER to OPEN and PAN to a value that sets the head aiming in the same direction than I, this way I can begin programming faster...

Fixture definitions and groups

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:33 am
by Joe
It would be nice if the fixture groups behaved in a way closer to systems like Artist or Light Jockey. I'd like to be able to graphically select the fixture I want (with a layout of where the fixtures actually are), and then change the parameters for multiple fixtures.