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Can't select VC buttons unless I tab away and back to QLC+

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:18 am
by Joe
Wondered if any other users had this issue. I'm running a Mac using OS X Mavericks (10.9.2). I've found that sometimes I'll go into the virtual console and wont be able to make a selection (the buttons will flash but they wont stay on). I have this problem unless i CMD tab away from QLC+, and then tab back to it. Changing tasks using the dock doesn't seem to help.

Anyone else?

Can't select VC buttons unless I tab away and back to QLC+

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:15 am
by Ryan Kelley
I have experienced a similar, but not identical problem. Whenever I press a button that is in toggle mode the first time after opening a particular project, it lights up with the green border, but according to the output monitor does nothing. Whenever I turn the button off and back on however, it works fine. So I always have to use the button twice before it works.

I have not found a fix so far and it seems to be doing this in every project. I'm running QLC+ 4.7.0RC1 in Windows 7.

Can't select VC buttons unless I tab away and back to QLC+

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 8:57 pm
by Adeline
Hi guys! I have exactly the same problem as you both (flashing buttons without selection, and need to clic twice a button to turn it off in my BCF2000)! Did you find a solution???? Thx!

Can't select VC buttons unless I tab away and back to QLC+

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:07 pm
by Adeline
you need to edit the bcf2000 and say it NO TOOGLE.

Push the EDIT button of the BCF-> in the same time your selected button-> turn to the left the 6th knob from the left "tNO"-> exit

Don't forget to store you bcf -> twice store!

Now it works well!