QLC+ immediately crashes after opening a specific file

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Hi guys,
I searched already and saw that someone had this issue before and it was related to a blank show within the file? Unfortunately, I don't know how to open a file to delete that show, can anyone help me with this?




Of course, now I see the button for Attachments...
(48.56 KiB) Downloaded 64 times
Massimo Callegari

Hi Ben, I found and fixed the problem.
Although, it would be interesting to know how you ended up with a project like that.

If you remember the steps you've taken, I can then tell which part of QLC+ got you in that case and eventually fix the real cause of failure.


Hi Massimo, thanks for being so on top of these boards and the software - it's very appreciated, and you're doing a great job!

I'm so glad that you were able to fix it - was it a problem with a show? Would you be able to either attach the fixed file here, or send me an email with it, if possible?

As for the process leading up to this, I don't remember exactly. I do know, however, that I was having quite a few problems with the show function - especially if I let the show play to the end without clicking the 'stop' button, as it would 7 out of 10 (approx.) times crash. (I am on OSX 10.9.2 Mavericks, FYI).

I was struggling with making scenes fade in and out through the show function (because I was using the same scene for some of them and I wasn't too sure how to make one fade in, and another not), and in the middle of creating a new show within the Aladdin file when I had to close the program to go and teach. When I came back the file seemed to corrupt, or something as every other file seemed fine!

I know this is a little ramble-y, I apologize, I just don't know if any of this information is helpful or not.

Thanks in advance for the new file!
- Ben :)
Massimo Callegari

Hi Ben, sorry. I fixed QLC+, not your project.
In the meantime, if you want, there is a OSX TEST build in the development thread.
However the audio doesn't work yet.

So my project is unsalvageable?! :(
Massimo Callegari

With the TEST build I suggested you can open it. Have you tried it at least ?

I have no idea what happened to your project to get corrupted. That's why I asked.
Again, if you are able to tell the exact steps to reproduce the faulty condition, I can fix the source issue. Otherwise is like catching ghosts for me.
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