Holding DMX values in the virtual console

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I have set up a nice virtual console for my laser but when I go into live mode and assign the value, it sends the value to the laser then immediately resets to zero (causing the laser to return to off mode).

I get the desired behaviour from the "simple desk" where setting a value on the slider causes it to remain transmitted. Unfortunately the simple desk does not allow control of sliders with the arrow keys, which I desire very much. The virtual console allows this.

All help appreciated. If someone has used QLC+ with a laser before I would love to have a chat with them.
Massimo Callegari

Hello to you.
Lot of things missing in this post.
Which operating system, which QLC+ version and the laser model (custom or QLC+ fixture ?)

I've used lasers before but I cannot help you if I don't provide enough details

I do apologise, I thought this was a simple software thing.

I am running windows 7 64bit with the most recent version of QLC+

I am using a custom model.

Thanks for your quick reply, I wasn't expecting that!

Edit: I just tried using a generic device and it works fine.

If I set a slider to control channels on the "generic" device and the laser at the same time, then the function works fine with the laser addressed to recieve commands on the generic channel, but not on the custom device channel. Does that make sense?

I also tried setting the laser to a dimmer device in the fixture file but the problem still occurs.

Any thoughts on this?
Jano Svitok


please attach here your qxw file and any custom fixture definitions you use (you may strip any unrelated stuff) and write steps to reproduce the issue. That way it's easier for me to know you situation and I don't have to guess things.

Good idea. Here are the full files I use:
(8.77 KiB) Downloaded 39 times
(7.62 KiB) Downloaded 35 times
Jano Svitok


I'm not sure I understand the workspace, nevertheless:

- I suppose you are talking about the mode slider. It seems to be ok, and should work.
What may be wrong is that if you set a value in Simple Desk, it will override anything from Virtual console. To reset/release values from Simple Desk, click the ![X](https://raw.github.com/mcallegari/qlcpl ... eclose.png) button.

- it may be more convenient to create scenes for ON, OFF, etc. (I see you started with that), add button matrix in solo mode, and add buttons for each of the scenes, maybe with keyboard shortcuts.

- In fixture definition: for speed channels, you may prefer to use Speed group, for Sharpening use Beam... but it doesn't really matter.

Hmm... I'm afraid I can't help here...
Daniel Curry

Just discovered this thread, and I am unfortunately having a similar problem with some Chauvet Intimidator moving lights. I am running QLC+ 4.6.1 on Windows 8. I have an Enttec DMX USB Pro and have had no problems with any other simple fixtures I've encountered.

Exactly as Bluebeem1 described, when I go into live mode to assign a pan, tilt, color wheel, gobo wheel, or any attribute at all of the ML, it sends the value to the fixture then immediately resets to zero. I tried making toggle buttons for each and got the same result; when I press the button the value blinks then resets to zero. Interestingly, if I assign any channel of the ML as a flash button, the fixture will do what it is supposed to until I let go of the button. In the Virtual Console, all works as it should.

Update: It turns out that the MLs were causing the problem. I was programming blind but as soon as I plugged everything in and turned it on, the controls worked again. Similar symptoms of a separate cause.

>What may be wrong is that if you set a value in Simple Desk, it will override anything from Virtual console. To reset/release values from Simple Desk, click the X button.

Thanks, this was indeed the problem.

Not sure what solo mode is but I have now got the "scenes" feature working and mapped some buttons for on/off.

I will try the other suggestions, thanks. As you can see I am very new to this so am looking to pick up good habits.
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