Some Bug reporting + requests
Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 9:06 am
Hi everyone,
first of all: congratulations with this project!
I'm starting to use QLC+ in a small theatre and I'm very pleased with it.
As my contribution, I can only report some bugs and maybe do some requests for future versions..
in v4.6.1, I always have to create a chaser, then close the app en reopen it in order to add scenes or music to the chaser. A freshly opened chased has a greyed out OK button in the add selection screen.
Also, creating shows will crash my app and also blanks out the scenes I used trying to create the show.
I can add a scene in a new show, but when I try to add some music, I get an overlap error.
I have also have had a complete project that couldn't open anymore because of an system error (qlc+ crashed at openening the project). I had to manually remove the in the qxw-file in order to reopen the project...
As a request, I would like to propose a seperate lighting and sound signal in a single chaser.
For example, when you have a lightscene followed by a sound, the light scene should keep active.
Or when during a sound-play the light changes, the music should keep playing, until a new sound comes up
(in theater this happens very often). To fade the music at a certain moment, I could use a silent soundfile.
keep up the good work!
first of all: congratulations with this project!
I'm starting to use QLC+ in a small theatre and I'm very pleased with it.
As my contribution, I can only report some bugs and maybe do some requests for future versions..
in v4.6.1, I always have to create a chaser, then close the app en reopen it in order to add scenes or music to the chaser. A freshly opened chased has a greyed out OK button in the add selection screen.
Also, creating shows will crash my app and also blanks out the scenes I used trying to create the show.
I can add a scene in a new show, but when I try to add some music, I get an overlap error.
I have also have had a complete project that couldn't open anymore because of an system error (qlc+ crashed at openening the project). I had to manually remove the in the qxw-file in order to reopen the project...
As a request, I would like to propose a seperate lighting and sound signal in a single chaser.
For example, when you have a lightscene followed by a sound, the light scene should keep active.
Or when during a sound-play the light changes, the music should keep playing, until a new sound comes up
(in theater this happens very often). To fade the music at a certain moment, I could use a silent soundfile.
keep up the good work!