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OpenSuSe repository for QLCplus

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:27 pm
by Cingulingu
After a discussion with Massimo and Jano. Although not relay about that, comes out that there is some problems compiling qlcplus on other distributions, like opensuse. So, I started a project that brings qlcplus on this distribution without the need to compile it from scratch. The procedure is simple.. just click on the button and wola. It will install Qlcplus with all dependency sorted and a standard subscription to a repository for update.
If there is an interest to add this to the QlCplus homepage I can provide all the files. (Rely just 2-3) Please let me know...

**QLCplus - Latest Official Release**
**1-Click Install of QLCplus for opensuse** 12.2,12.3 and 13.1
(x32 and x64)
[![Install QLCplus for openSUSE]( ... 162x46.png)]( ... lcplus.ymp "Install QLCplus for openSUSE")

**QLCplus - Latest NON Official (Test) Release from GIT**
**1-Click Install of QLCplus from GIT for opensuse** 12.2,12.3 and 13.1 (x32 and x64)
[![Install QLCplus for openSUSE]( ... 162x46.png)]( ... us-git.ymp "Install QLCplus for openSUSE")

OpenSuSe repository for QLCplus

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:47 pm
by Cingulingu
Update: Sorted!

Sorry... the links wont work by directly clicking them. because the web server is treating them as text files instead of a regular file. I couldn’t know that before putting them on. But you can still use them by Right click -> Save link as... -> and click on them.

Sorry again...

OpenSuSe repository for QLCplus

Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 9:25 pm
by RobGee
Hi Cingulingu,

Can you tell us the difference between the two links.

Kind regards,


OpenSuSe repository for QLCplus

Posted: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:53 am
by Cingulingu
Thanks for the advice. I have added a line that explain it.
The first link is to install an Official release and the second is to install the work in progress on the git. More explanation is in the read-me (first screen) before the installation begin.