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Relative (Percentage based?) speed dials

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:26 pm
by Joe
Hi again!

I use a bunch of different movement patterns that I all keep inside a solo frame. So far so good. Problem is when I use a speed dial to control them. I have to se a different speed for different effects, depending on how far the light travels in the effect. I'm wondering if the speed dial could operate in a way that was not just time based, if we could use one speed dial to get consistent speeds in all effects.


Relative (Percentage based?) speed dials

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:39 pm
by Joe
Today I was tried mapping the modulation wheel on my keyboard to the QLC EFX speed, and it made me realize that it really needs some kind of rate based speed, instead of just time. The problem I ran into is that the speed up/slow down wasn't consistent. Because it's time based the EFX gets exponentially faster, so I have hardly any room to control the speed as it gets faster (only 128 steps on midi.) Anyone else dealing with this?

Relative (Percentage based?) speed dials

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:02 am
by Joe
Hi all, just thought I'd add a few more thoughts to this. Basically, the problem i've gone to realised is that with time based control, every time you halve the time the movement speed doubles. Because of this, when you map a speed dial to a midi controller you don't get a smooth gradient of speed increase, instead you double the speed at diminishing increments. Really, speed dials are great for controlling chasers, but they just don't work all that well for controlling EFX speed.