I can flash multiple buttons in a solo frame

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Surely if the flashes are in a solo frame, only one should be possible a time. Using it to flash LED fixtures and it creates a colour mix effect, which I don't want.
Davey Daytona

hello there Joe

not sure how you have your scenes set up.. i would first of all be sure all your scenes are set up right such as intensity and fade times. The flashes respond to fade as well. They are just a momentary on function rather than a toggle, and if one of the flash scenes overlaps that of an adjacent one it will also light up. If its instant on/off your looking for make sure your scene's fade times are set to .0 sec or it will cause mixing as it approaches your max set value.

i set up multiple scenes in a solo frame and then create an "All Chase" button outside the solo. I have found that while all chase is running i can select one of the scenes in the solo simultaneously, because the all chase is not in the solo it works independent of actually selecting a soloed scene. Not a flaw just part of QLC's logic

I've created a bunch of scenes that use the RGB channels to create the colour, and then they have the dimmer turned up for the flash. I then put them all inside a solo frame. IMO this is a flaw in the logic, as if i wanted to be able to flash multiple at once, i'd put then in a normal frame rather than a solo frame. This makes it harder, as I have to hit the right keys at exactly the right time and make sure there's 0 overlap, but also try and keep the gap between colours as short as possible.
Davey Daytona

ok see what your sayin... Not sure what would cause that.. my solo frames don't do that. I run scenes and fixture programs in solo and that doesn't happen even when cueing with midi..only when running a chaser of those soloed buttons outside the solo frame can i cause that to occur..
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