Fixtures remapping revisited - qlc+ 4.5.1
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:08 pm
Thanks for the clone fixtures button - could we have multiple selection of fixtures to be remapped and clone them all in one go?
Obviously, when qlc+ tries to automatically match up channels between 2 fixtures that are not identical, the process is bound to be a bit hit or miss.
However, with two fixtures that share the same fixture definitions and are using the same mode (if applicable), if there is either a remapping between the 2 fixtures or a cloning of the original fixture into the remapped area, then the channels should be mapped one to one.
Due to the remapping issues described here: ... 2919/#cc74
this doesn't as yet happen, which means you still have to do a lot of work remapping channels individually.
Obviously, when qlc+ tries to automatically match up channels between 2 fixtures that are not identical, the process is bound to be a bit hit or miss.
However, with two fixtures that share the same fixture definitions and are using the same mode (if applicable), if there is either a remapping between the 2 fixtures or a cloning of the original fixture into the remapped area, then the channels should be mapped one to one.
Due to the remapping issues described here: ... 2919/#cc74
this doesn't as yet happen, which means you still have to do a lot of work remapping channels individually.